Art Abstract Bäraar This combines the eponymous Berner Bär with an eagle (Aar, poetic Adler) in the Haida motif.
Art Fountain Kindlifresserbrunnen Probably the most famous fountain in Bern, Kindlifresserbrunnen is a warning to children to behave or face dire consequences.
Art Landscape Pont de Basalio I have it in my head that I can create illustrated stories. This picture goes with "The Three Buskers" fable.
Art Fountain Mosesbrunnen Overlooking the Berner Münsterplatz, Mosesbrunnen dates from 1544 and provides a glimps into the heavily Christian nature of Bern.
Art Fountain Vennerbrunnen Of the many fountains in Bern, the Vennerbrunnen is one of my favourites, located in a courtyard in front of the old Rathaus.
Art Landscape Bern by Train We're train people, owning no car. One of the stellar views out of train windows is this view coming into Bern by train over the Lorraineviadukt.