Souvenir Instructions
The souvenir page is a map of our photographs that are spatially registered via the geolocation tags in the EXIF meta-data of jpg images.
Initially, it is a heat-map. Zooming in enough will expose black dots for individual photos. Clicking on a dot will show a thumbnail and image metadata.
Clicking through the thumbnail images to the full resolution images requires a login id and password, which I will set up and give to you if you ask.
To use the map, you need to know the following basic operations:
- Zoom click + or - in upper right hand corner of the map, or on mobile two finger pinch, or on desktop use the mouse wheel, or shift-left-click and hold, drag window, release
- Pan on mobile one fnger drag or on desktop left-click and hold, drag, release
- Rotate on mobile two finger twist or on desktop control-left-click and hold, drag left or right, release (reset North to vertical by clicking compass icon in upper right hand corner)
- 3D only on desktop control-left-click and hold, drag up or down, release
The controls toolbox in the upper right hand corner has the following features:
to zoom in
to zoom out
to reset the orientation to North upward in 2D
to zoom to the extents of the map
The map uses Mapbox GL and requires WebGL to be enabled in your browser. All current browsers have WebGL support, but WebGL support is dependent on GPU support and may not be available on older devices/browsers, due to a lack of up-to-date video drivers.
You can test if your browser supports WebGL by navigating to to see if a spinning cube is displayed.
If not, for some older browser versions, WebGL can be enabled as follows:
Alter the browser default settings in the configuration
- Browse page about:config
- Set webgl.force-enabled to true
Modify the startup command to include the parameter: –ignore-gpu-blacklist
- Find and right click on the Chrome shortcut you use (normally on the desktop or in the start menu) .
- Select ‘Properties’ or ‘Eigenschaften’
- Add the ‘–ignore-gpu-blacklist’ flag without the quotes at the end of the ‘Target’ or ‘Zeil’ box:
- For me the command is thus: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” –ignore-gpu-blacklist